Wayang Bocor; Dimiscall Leluhur Performed in Galeri Indonesia Kaya, Grand Indonesia Jakarta As a Series of 2nd Birthday Party of Galeri Indonesia Kaya 10 October 2015
Dimiscall Leluhur one of Wayang Bocor’s performance that had been performed on 7 December 2014 as one of performer in International Puppet Theatre Festival in Kepek Village, Timbulharjo, Bantul, Indonesia was performed again in Galeri Indonesia Kaya, Grand Indonesia Jakarta. Ars Management is supported by Bakti Budaya Djarum Foundation presented Wayang Bocor; Dimiscall Leluhur as series of 2nd birthday party of Galeri Indonesia Kaya. This performance told about media relation and reality, how the media is able to lead to the fact and also about the reality of family relation, slowly but sure, is changed pushed by media presence. Wayang Bocor performs with its uniqueness as light, entertaining, and full meaning performance.
The text of Dimiscall Leluhur in Javanese language but for this performance some of text is changed in Indonesia language. It considered with the characteristic of Jakarta audiences who are very heterogeneous. The number of audience is approximately 200 people. Along of the show, peal of audiences’ laughter always heard.
One of Jakarta audience naming on facebook as “One Zhan” wrote his experiences when watched Wayang Bocor; Dimiscall Leluhur as performance that very entertaining and full meaning in its simplicity: http://onezhan.blogspot.co.id/2015/10/mari-miskol-leluhur.html
Here, some of media coverage that are archived by ARS Management:
- http://www.indonesiakaya.com/galeri_indonesia_kaya/berita/detail/pentas-wayang-bocor-dimiscall-leluhur-oleh-ars-management
- http://hiburan.metrotvnews.com/read/2015/10/11/179088/perpaduan-beragam-seni-dalam-pertunjukan-wayang-bocor
- http://hiburan.metrotvnews.com/read/2015/10/11/439728/pertunjukan-wayang-bocor-angkat-tema-sosial
- http://hot.detik.com/read/2015/10/09/134859/3040481/1059/pertunjukan-wayang-bocor-tutup-perayaan-ke-2-gik
- http://www.coveragemagz.com/pertunjukan-wayang-bocor-wayang-kontempoter-yang-tak-lupakan-pakem-tradisi-di-puncak-perayaan-hut-ke-2-galeri-indonesia-kaya/
- http://indonesiana.merahputih.com/budaya/2015/10/12/saat-desainer-louis-vuitton-pentaskan-wayang-bocor/29232/
- http://www.kompasiana.com/lannang/sebocor-apa-wayang-bocor-dalam-perayaan-ke-2-galeri-indonesia-kaya_5619913e789373ea078e6c87
- http://www.antaranews.com/berita/522849/wayang-ala-wayang-bocor
- http://majalahasri.com/wayang-bocor-karya-eko-nugroho-tampil-di-ulang-tahun-galeri-indonesia-kaya/
- http://ghiboo.com/2015/10/11/wayang-bocor-ada-wayang-ada-orang-ada-lucu/
- http://citizen6.liputan6.com/read/2338278/wayang-bocor-wayang-kontemporer-yang-tak-lupakan-pakem-tradisi