ARS Management & The Wayang Bocor present “Semelah” (God Bliss)
Yogyakarta – Riau – Jakarta, Juli 2017
In January 2017, The Wayang Bocor has performed successfully “Semelah (GodBliss) in 3 cities in USA, such as; New York, North Carolina, and Los Angeles that is commissioned by Asia Society. USA’s audiences gave positive and enthusiastic response of it, that make positive energy for Wayang Bocor’s team to always create entertaining new works for foreign and domestic public. Individual skill is keep trained in creative process that could be seen in every show.
In this month (July, 2017), Wayang Bocor will perform in 3 cities in own country, Indonesia, which is Yogyakarta – Riau – Jakarta. In Yogyakarta, the show will be held on 7 & 8 July, in Societet building, TBY, Yogyakarta, in Riau, on 11 & 12 July, Anjung Seni Idrus Tintin, and in Jakarta, will be held in 2 venues; @America on 14 July and Teater Kecil, Taman Ismail Marzuki, on 16 & 17 July.

The Wayang Bocor is one of performing art that is unique, contemporary, and also gives new idea in the form of performing art. In every its performance always perform in entertaining form but full with the meaning that is supported by the costume, setting, music, lighting, and also the others components that give different touch in every The Wayang Bocor’s show.
This tour show is supported by Forum Lenteng, Seni Media, dan @America. Further info please contact: 0878-3883-5758