Performance of “Kera Sakti” by Ryuzanji Company Kera Sakti has succesfully staged in 4 cities in Indonesia Indonesia tour – Asia Tour Jakarta – Yogyakarta – Magelang – Bali Almost 1 month, Theatre Company from Japan “Ryuzanji Company” stayed in Indonesia on March. In this month, Ryuzanji Company performed itsContinue Reading

Dance Performance of “Lelangen Beksan” by Padneçwara has been successfully held Padneçwara has successfully held the performance of “Lelangen Beksan” on 13 December 2015 in Concert Hall Taman Budaya Yogyakarta. The audiences were very enthusiastic in watching the show with full bleachers provided.  This show performed 3 dances: Srimpi SangupatiContinue Reading

Dance Performance “Lelangen Beksan” – Retno Maruti – Padneçwara Present in Yogyakarta, 13 December 2015 Padneçwara is a dance art studio leading by Retno Maruti since 1976. The establishment of Padneçwara is as one of form of dedication at once also as cultural preservation, especially for Indonesian dance.  Since itsContinue Reading

Performace of Wayang Bocor; “Dimiscall Leluhur” has successfully staged In Gunung Kidul, Bantul, Kulon Progo, and Sleman Performance of Wayang Bocor “Dimiscall Leluhur” has succesfully staged in four regions in D.I Yogyakarta supporting by Culture Departmen of Yogyakarta Province. The aim of this tour performance is introducing closer to societyContinue Reading

Wayang Bocor; Dimiscall Leluhur Performed in Galeri Indonesia Kaya, Grand Indonesia Jakarta As a Series of 2nd Birthday Party of Galeri Indonesia Kaya 10 October 2015 Dimiscall Leluhur  one of Wayang Bocor’s performance that had been performed on 7 December 2014 as one of performer in International Puppet Theatre FestivalContinue Reading

Ticketing for Teater Gandrik Performance “TANGIS” Ticketing for Teater Gandrik Performance “TANGIS”Still in the month of February, we cooporate also with Teater Gandrik in Ticketing Management for its performance “TANGIS”. This performance will be held in Concert Hall, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, 11 – 12 February 2015, at 8 pm.We areContinue Reading

International Dance Performance & Seminar Homage to Sri Sultan Hamengkubowono X and Yogyakarta by Didik Nini Thowok After his achievement in dance for 40 years and choose Yogyakarta as his works venue for exploration and creation of works, thus in 60 years of his celebration ages Didik Nini Thowok (DNT)Continue Reading

Wayang Bocor Performance “Dimiscall Leluhur” An old Bendo tree, at the corner of Karang Mubal Village suddenly inhabited. All the residences are uproar. This bizarre evidence haunts their daily live. So, who is Ni Wungkuk Bendo Growong the mysterious person becoming the central of furor in Karang Mubal village? ThisContinue Reading

Wayang Bocor Performance “Hikayat Agar-agar Bertanduk” This performance is held in Yogyakarta, 10 – 11 Juli 2014 in Institute Français Indonesia (IFI a.k.a LIP) and Jakarta, 18 July 2014 in Ballroom the Ritz-Carlton Pacific Place and  19 July in Goethe Institute.  Further more info, click: This performance tells aboutContinue Reading