Community Consultation Virtual Workshop – Limited Invitation
UNESCO Office Jakarta – Architectural Documentation Center (PDA) – Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR)
Via Zoom Meeting & Live Streming Youtube Citraweb Cultural Center – 2, 3, 10 Desember 2020
Towards the end of the year, ARS Management collaborated with UNESCO Office Jakarta to manage a Community Consultation Virtual Workshop on 2, 3 and 10 December 2020. This workshop aims to obtain technical advice in the process of compiling the Borobudur – Yogyakarta – Prambanan Integrated Tourism Master Plan (RIPT BYP) document and in particular, the Borobudur Visitor Management Plan (RPPB). This community suggestion is a prerequisite for development by the Coordinating Team for Integrated and Sustainable Tourism Development under the coordination of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) regarding the status of Borobudur Temple and Prambanan Temple as UNESCO World Heritage. In addition, Yogyakarta Historic City Center is also in the process of being proposed for a World Heritage.

This workshop was held for three days with a total of 92 participants each day consisting of 47 people from Borobudur Village community representatives (20 Villages, 3 Communities, and 1 District representative). Prambanan Village was represented by 10 people (6 Villages, 2 Communities, and 2 District representatives). Yogyakarta City was represented by 7 people from 4 communities, as well as several government agencies, with a total of 28 people. This workshop takes place on 08.30 – 12.30 WIB. In the process of this workshop, a Whatsapp group was also established starting at the end of the second day of the workshop until 9 December 9 2020. The Whatsapp group is divided into 5 groups, namely the Borobudur group, the Prambanan group, the Yogyakarta group representing heritage, the Yogyakarta group representing creative entrepreneurs and small businesses, as well as government group. The theme of the discussion is the hopes and recommendations of the public for the government on RIPT BYP. Related to this, to get the right output, there is a facilitator in each group who guides the course of the discussion. At the last day of the workshop, on 10 December 2020, each group presented the results of its discussion, represented by members selected by the group.
All of these activities had run smoothly and obtained the output in accordance with the objectives of the event. In this activity, ARS Management is tasked with managing the attendance process of the participants and managing the event itself from technical preparation at the venue, overseeing the event, and closing the event.