admin admin - February 16, 2024

In a company, both small and large companies, Human Resources (HR) management is an important thing. HR is a company asset to be able to achieve company targets as planned. The right HR management will provide optimal results. It is undeniable that in this management, rewards for achievement and consequences for non-performance must be clear and firm. The points mentioned above must be outlined in a company Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that can be used as a reference in its management. This SOP will make it easier for companies and employees themselves to comply with regulations (fulfill rights & obligations). ARS Management created an SOP that suits the characteristics and needs of Nikayla Jewelry. SOP is a system that must be able to present the company’s style and goals.


Another thing that is also very important and significant in HR management is the company’s ability to provide space for employees to continue to grow as professionals who can fulfill their satisfaction and goals as individual professionals. Related to this, ARS Management in its mentoring process according to its mapping takes several actions to optimize employee performance and ensure that “the right man in the right place” so that individual goals are met. In addition, this action was taken for the efficiency of the company’s burden by weighing the workload in each division and individual. Some of the actions taken are employee transfers, employee demotions, promotions, termination of employment, and also the appointment of new employees.

Nikayla Jewerly has 20 employees consisting of office staff and production house staff. Since its establishment in 2019 until the mentoring process, it has not had an HR SOP and understood the purpose of HR management itself. ARS Management is always committed to working in a real way to provide accurate solutions to every problem. Client satisfaction with every result provided is our guarantee. ARS Management always tries to provide solutions according to the client’s style and character.

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