Wayang Bocor Show “Semelah (God Bliss)”
IFI/LIP Yogyakarta, December 18, 2016
Preview for to-be-performed Show in United States
New York — North Carolina — Los Angeles
Commissioned by Asia Society

In 2016 Wayang Bocor got a special invitation from Asia Society to perform its new work at the Asia Society in the United States in January 2017. Wayang Bocor have been in the process of preparing a new work, entitled “Semelah (God Bliss)”, since September and performing it for limited audience on December 18, 2016 at IFI/LIP Yogyakarta.
The show, which was intended as a preview and farewell before going to the US, got an enthusiastic and positive response from the public. Several notes from the audience are considered as useful feedback for Wayang Bocor team. Currently, the team is intensely preparing for the show in America. The team is preparing the sets, costumes, props, music, lights, and other personal preparations. Considering the US is in winter, the team is always trying to maintain their health. The remaining time is used by the team to practice and practice.
This show in America is the first international performance for Wayang Bocor. This show is expected to be a gateway for Wayang Bocor to be known internationally. It prompts the actors, the director, and the whole team to give their best before the American public. The shows in America will take place in three major cities: New York, North Carolina, and Los Angeles. During the tour in these three cities, Wayang Bocor will perform Semelah (God Bliss) five times.


Photo by : Gogor Seta Dewa