Wayang Bocor Performance “Dimiscall Leluhur”
An old Bendo tree, at the corner of Karang Mubal Village suddenly inhabited. All the residences are uproar. This bizarre evidence haunts their daily live. So, who is Ni Wungkuk Bendo Growong the mysterious person becoming the central of furor in Karang Mubal village?
This is the second works of Wayang Bocor Performance in 2014, its presented special for International Biennale Puppet Festival a.k.a Puppet Party that is held once time each 2 years. Detail info: http://www.papermoonpuppet.com/

This opportunity gives space to Wayang Bocor to meet and to share knowledge to other puppet theatre groups (national & international).
Besides that Wayang Bocor had opportunity to greet and to give an entertainment to the village society directly. Wayang Bocor performed at 7 December 2014, in Kepek Village, Timbulharjo, Bantul.

Photo oleh : Oki Permatasari