Production Management takes place in all businesses, both services and items Service Business; Intangible Products, Goods Business; Tangible Products ARS Management; Micro and Small Business Consultant; Production Management   Having and running a business means having a product that is offered to consumers. Products can be in the form ofContinue Reading

ARS Management; Micro and Small Business Consultant; Financial Management    Having a business that has a large revenue certainly gives joy. However, does a large turnover also provide a large net/profit as well? Certainly not, that is the obvious answer. In finance, one of the most important things is toContinue Reading

ARS Management; Performing Art/Event Management; The partner of Show Ticket & House Management of Panggung Kebangsaan Show “Bersatu Dalam Guyonan” Concert Hall, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta 10 Agustus 2023 In August 2023, ROSAN Production in collaboration with ARS Management presented a show entitled “Bersatu Dalam Guyonan” (Panggung Kebangsaan). This show cameContinue Reading

ARS Management; Performing Art/Event Management; Ticket sales & house management partner for “Tabib Suci”-Indonesia Kita performance in Yogyakarta. Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, 20 February 2022 Kayan Production held another Indonesia Kita performance entitled “Tabib Suci” at Concert Hall Taman Budaya Yogyakarta. This is the first performance by Kayan Production after aContinue Reading

Ramesan Art – “Hompimpa Alaium Gambreng” Eko Nugroho Art Class Bussiness Management Assistance Consultant and Daily/Executive Ramesan Art is one of the regular programs of Eko Nugroho Art Class; a non-formal school of fine arts as a medium for child development. Ramesan Art exists as an appreciation space for theContinue Reading