ARS Management; Performing Art/Event Management; The partner of Show Ticket & House Management of Panggung Kebangsaan Show “Bersatu Dalam Guyonan” Concert Hall, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta 10 Agustus 2023 In August 2023, ROSAN Production in collaboration with ARS Management presented a show entitled “Bersatu Dalam Guyonan” (Panggung Kebangsaan). This show cameContinue Reading

Ramesan Art – “Hompimpa Alaium Gambreng” Eko Nugroho Art Class Bussiness Management Assistance Consultant and Daily/Executive Ramesan Art is one of the regular programs of Eko Nugroho Art Class; a non-formal school of fine arts as a medium for child development. Ramesan Art exists as an appreciation space for theContinue Reading