Temu Pandu Inklusi Nusantara – The Asia Foundation (TAF)
5 – 8 November 2018
Hotel Grand Mercure & Ibis Style Yogyakarta

ARS Management joined Inspirit to manage Temu Pandu Inklusi Nusantara (PINTAR) workshop by TAF. PINTAR is a meeting forum for activists engaged in social issues that still cannot be accepted by the society. PINTAR is an activity designed by and is a part of the CARE Program. This program is initiated by the government to improve social inclusion for 6 marginalized groups, namely (1) vulnerable children and adolescents, (2) remote indigenous and local communities that depend on natural resources, (3) victims of discrimination, intolerance and religious based violence, (4) people with disabilities, (5) human rights and social restoration, and (6) transgenders.
PINTAR was attended by around 300 participants consisting of inclusion activists in several regions of Indonesia. They are the representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations as executing partners of the Peduli and Mitra Payung program as TAF partners in managing the funds allocation for the Peduli program. The purpose of this program is to provide space for activists to share the inclusion process carried out in their respective regions.
The event began with the opening and class meetings; all participants were divided into 10 classes containing activists from various issues. On the second day, all participants, in accordance with their respective classes, visited institutions or community groups engaged in inclusion issues and produce results for their work processes.
Here are the 10 places visited:
- Wahyuharjo Village, Lendah District, Kulonprogo
This village is assisted by SIGAB NGO that develops Inclusion Village Stub (KDD), a gathering place for the disabled. Support was also given by the village government of Wahyuharjo by providing livestock as an initial capital to improve the family economy - FOPPERHAM
Fopperham is an organization that advocates survivor groups of 1965 incident in Yogyakarta. The advocacy is carried out for the past three years through campaigns involving young people, discussions about human rights around the events of 1965, historical tours, and opening volunteer programs “One Week One Mother”. - Salamrejo Village
Majelis Eklasing Budi Murko (MEBM) is a community of faith believers living in Salamrejo Village. MEBM members often get discriminatory treatment such as the PKI stigma and are considered heretical because they practice offerings and other occult matters. Accompanied by LkiS, MEBM members can be involved in the process of making a history book about Salamrejo village, forming KUBE which makes traditional food and forms pokdarwis. - Jarikrogo
This network is an initiation from LKiS, which has been assisting MEBM. LKIS collaborates with other parties in Kulonprogo district to form Jarikrogo at the beginning of 2017. Jarikrogo’s main task is to empower the community through assisted communities, such as adding capacity, routine activities, and taking part in musrenbang so as to encourage Kulonprogo to become an inclusion district.
- Yogyakarta Bentor Community
Motorbike becak (bentor) drivers in Yogyakarta received intimidation and discrimination from the police and the government due to the emergence of the Yogyakarta Governor’s Decree, which prohibited bentor from operating in the DIY province. In 2008, together with the LBH Yogyakarta, bentor drivers formed an association which officially accommodated bentor - Panggungharjo
This village received the best village title nationally, a child-friendly pilot village, and the National Village-owned Business Entity (Bumdes) pilot makes Panggungharjo Village a destination for many people to learn about community independence. Business units that are diverse such as processing household waste into selling products, tourism village, and utilizing agricultural products make the net income up to 3 billion Rupiahs per year. - Karangrejo Village
Karangrejo Village received support from the National Gas company in the form of funds to build a Village Economic Center (Balkondes) to improve the welfare of the residents living around the Borobudur temple. Together with IRE, the village potential management and organization began. Tour guides, homestays, and home food and craft industries become a business unit managed by Karangrejo Balkondes. - Nglanggeran Village
Twenty years ago, three young men who had the initiative to introduce the ancient volcano to the wider community. In 2007, they began to get support from the Gunungkidul tourism and district administration by making better infrastructure to invite more tourists to come. Business units in the culinary field, managing homestay, animal husbandry and agriculture have succeeded in making economic activities in the village grow rapidly so that it can reduce the rate of migration. Various awards have been received by Nglanggeran Village. The last one was named as one of the recipients of the ASEAN Sustainable Tourism Award. - Sidorejo Village, Klaten
Living near Mount Merapi requires the residents of Sidorejo Village to be able to read the nature. Community Radio is one of the alternative ways of effective communication initiated by Sukiman, one of the residents of Sidorejo village. Valid news that originates directly from citizens becomes a benchmark for disseminating information. Together with other community radios, Merapi Information Network (Jalin Merapi) was formed. From the beginning, as the conveyor of information about volcanic activity, it became a media for promoting agricultural products and other local products. The economy developed with the existence of good cooperation between residents. - Balerante Village, Klaten
The Village Information System led by Balerante Village Headquarters in collaboration with Combine in 2009 helped the disaster management process. Information related to data about victims became more accessible. After the eruption of Merapi, Balerante’s batik activity developed and arranged the tourist spot of Kali Talang.

After the visits, the highlight was held at night by presenting selected activists to present their stories on the stage about the process while moving on the issue of inclusion. This event lasted for approximately 3 hours. In the morning, the last day of this workshop, all participants of the PINTAR Meeting were invited to make an action plan together with personal promises as a further step in an effort to move the spirit and attitude of social inclusion.
This activity went quite smoothly from the beginning to the end of the event. ARS Management managed the attendance process (hotel pick-up and check-in), the event itself, and the return of participants (escorting and checking out of the hotel).