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Antari Kinanti

Research Assistant and Marketing Manager at DEA Learning Center

Antari Kinanti, a bachelor’s degree in Tourism from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM, joined ARS Management in 2022. She has been an active member of the student press and an activist for gender equality since her time as a student. She simultaneously enjoyed her role as a young mother for one child and a worker. Her journey in life leads her to continuously learn about various disciplines such as health, education, feminism, cultural arts, public media, and other diverse knowledge relevant to her self-development.

Her professional career began when working in a non-profit organization engaged in youth empowerment issues for approximately 1.5 years. Her need for a space to grow motivates her to pursue a career in a new space: ARS Management, which focuses on micro business consulting and event management. She currently serves as a research assistant and Marketing Manager at DEA Learning Center (Partner of the ARS Management Business Unit). In the field of event management, she plays a role in managing volunteer human resources and administering technological applications.

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