Performace of Wayang Bocor; “Dimiscall Leluhur” has successfully staged In Gunung Kidul, Bantul, Kulon Progo, and Sleman

Performance of Wayang Bocor “Dimiscall Leluhur” has succesfully staged in four regions in D.I Yogyakarta supporting by Culture Departmen of Yogyakarta Province. The aim of this tour performance is introducing closer to society about contemporary shadow puppet theatre; meanwhile it still presents the grip of traditional shadow puppet theatre. Besides that, its performance also gives meaningful entertainment for society by presenting the phenomenon of daily story to raise society awareness.
This story also tells the fact about family relation changing slowly because of media presents. The aim of this tour performance is introducing closer to society about contemporary shadow puppet theatre; meanwhile it still presents the grip of traditional shadow puppet theatre. Besides that, its performance also gives meaningful entertainment for society by presenting the phenomenon of daily story to raise society awareness.
This tour has been held from 26 November until 30 November 2015 and got good appreciation from society. It can be proven by enthusiasm of people to watch this performance. Wayang Bocor brings a new form of shadow puppet and unusual story ideas rise of people curiosity to watch this performance. The last performance was held in Sleman region, Huntap Dongkelsari Village, Wukirsari, Cangkring on 30 November 2015 with the public interest that is quite positive. From old people, young, teenagers, until children, all of them watched this performance. Story that is easy to be understood, make people is entertained. Not only in Sleman, but also in three other regions, this performance got very positive response. Three other regions are: Gunung Kidul region, Pucung Malang village, Semin on 26 November 2015, Bantul region, Sanggrahan 2 village, Munthuk Dlingo on 28 November, and Kulonprogo, Dobangsan village, Giripeni, Wates on 29 November.
“Dimiscall Leluhur” is Wayang Bocor’s text that has been performed several times in Jogjakarta or other towns of Indonesia. Its meaningful story could reach all circles, one of Wayang Bocor’s factor that it performance never left by its audiences. Wayang Bocor’s hope; its performance can always give entertainment to society with new creations and also more performance locations that can be reach greater society.
All Wayang Bocor’s team feels grateful with the support of Culture Department of Yogyakarta Province who cares with the art development in Yogyakarta.
Here’s the Photos :