Nikayla Jewellery, hidden gems of Small Business in South Jogja ARS Management as Micro Business Organisation Consultant Nikayla Jewelry is a jewelry brand founded in 2019 by Estu Budiawan and located in Southern Yogyakarta. The company was started from the scratch and has now grown into a small business withContinue Reading

ARS Management; Performing Art/Event Management; Ticket sales & house management partner for “Tabib Suci”-Indonesia Kita performance in Yogyakarta. Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, 20 February 2022 Kayan Production held another Indonesia Kita performance entitled “Tabib Suci” at Concert Hall Taman Budaya Yogyakarta. This is the first performance by Kayan Production after aContinue Reading

Ramesan Art – “Hompimpa Alaium Gambreng” Eko Nugroho Art Class Bussiness Management Assistance Consultant and Daily/Executive Ramesan Art is one of the regular programs of Eko Nugroho Art Class; a non-formal school of fine arts as a medium for child development. Ramesan Art exists as an appreciation space for theContinue Reading

Capacity Building and Community Participation in Cultural Landscape Management at Borobudur World Heritage Site Ars Management collaborated with UNESCO Office Jakarta in the program “Capacity Building and Community Participation in the Management of Cultural Landscape at the Borobudur World Heritage Site”. The aim of this program is to raise awarenessContinue Reading

Community Consultation Virtual Workshop – Limited InvitationUNESCO Office Jakarta – Architectural Documentation Center (PDA) – Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Via Zoom Meeting & Live Streming Youtube Citraweb Cultural Center – 2, 3, 10 Desember 2020 Towards the end of the year, ARS Management collaborated with UNESCO OfficeContinue Reading