“Royo – Royo; Festival Alumni Kelola Seri Wayang Bocor” 24 October – 10 November 2019Dia.Lo.Gue Art Space, Jl. Kemang Selatan 99A, Jakarta 12730 Royo-royo: Kelola Alumni Festival is an idea initiated by Yayasan Kelola for fundraising through its network, especially artists/ art groups who have received Kelola’s art grant funds.Continue Reading

The Wayang Bocor “Permata di Ujung Tanduk” at Pergelaran Musikalisasi Sastra 2019 “JENTERA” The Wayang Bocor will present a new work titled “Permata di Ujung Tanduk” (A Diamond that Hangs by a Thread) that was written and directed by Gunawan Maryanto. This text was adapted from his poem “Sakuntala”, whichContinue Reading

KIKH Bridge Project Presents A Collaborative Performance of Five Asian Countries: “Jembatan Tak Berujung – Mahabharata 1.5” by Hiroshi Koike in Indonesia In the upcoming August 2019, KIKH Bridge Project in collaboration with ARS Management will hold a show entitled “Jembatan Tak Berujung (Endless Bridge) – Mahabharata 1.5” in Yogyakarta.Continue Reading

Performance of Asian Collaboration KIKH Bridge Project: An art project that seeks to build a “bridge” across boundaries of culture, time, and Asian countries. It was initiated by Hiroshi Koike in June 2012 after previously closing the Pappa TARAHUMARA Company which was initiated since 1982. In the course of itsContinue Reading

Teater Gandrik – Para Pensiunan DIALOG 7Maaf saya menolak. Saya takut kalau dianggap salah, terus dimutasi. Sejak kecil cita-cita saya menjadi penggali kubur sampai pensiun. Tidak ada pekerjaan yang lebih prestisius selain penggali kubur. Setinggi apapun jabatan yang pernah disandang jenazah, mereka tunduk total pada pengalo kubur! Suruh si BoutContinue Reading